Co-Ed Pick-Up Futsal
Friday Nights 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Memorial Middle School
Come Alone or With a Friend
Each night, teams will be formed from the people who show up. Come with a friend, or come alone - it doesn't matter. You'll be put on a team no matter what. Teams will be divided up with an effort to create equally-matched teams for competitive games. So, if you come with a friend, be prepared to plan with or against your buddy.
Rules & Info
Small-sided games (3 v 3; 4 v 4; 5 v 5)
Teams will be divided with an effort for equally-matched teams to maximize competition
Teams will be co-ed
No slide tackling
Goal size will depend on number of players.
No goalies, unless two or more goalies show up. If so, then larger goals will be used with goalies.
Must wear proper shoes (running shoes, indoor soccer shoes, tennis shoes, cross-trainers, etc). No boots, no cleats. Turf shoes are fine.
Running tally of goals scored will be kept, nightly champion will be declared.
All restarts are from the ground (no throw-ins).
All players must be in high school or older (competitive middle schoolers can play with prior approval).
Competitive Games - Nightly Champion
Each week, the available players will be divided into teams, with an effort made to create equally-matched teams for the most competitive games possible. Small team sizes (4 v 4; 5 v 5) are preferred, with multiple 5-minute games. Play for 10 minutes, sit for 5, with constant game-play for two hours. A running tally of goals scored will be kept, and a champion crowned each week. Bragging rights are on the line, but they are short-lived - new teams are formed each week.